What To Do In North Mississippi

As is the case with so many situations in life, it’s usually a good idea to listen to the voices of the people around you – family, friends, colleagues, and customers. That is definitely the case with DO THE 662, because this site was born out of comments of the people around us.

After numerous instances of friends saying some variation of “I wish that there was some way that I could learn what events are taking place in the area,” it occurred to us – our co-founder and I – that there was definitely a need for this type of events information hub.

Now, fast-forward a bit, and DO THE 662 is your “go-to source” to find out what is happening in north Mississippi.

We’ve put a lot of work into this project, and we are proud of the end-product, but we know there is always room for improvement, and that begins with you! We welcome comments, suggestions, and especially tips on upcoming events. Reach us by calling 877-407-4119.

Let’s get this party started!